Saturday, May 18, 2019

eggs and seeds



In the weeks that we have been taking care of our eggs we have also planted seeds. We made connections to what a chick embryo needs to grow and what a seed embryo needs to grow.

The children wrote and drew their reflections and ideas in their nature journals.


Making connections between eggs and seeds provided an opportunity for the children to use their knowledge of same and different. They have recently used the language of same and different in their non-fiction topic clubs. This experience encouraged the children to extend their thinking and knowledge.

Same; They both have food. They both have a thing to protect.

Different; They have different sacs. 

Same; They both have food. They both have something to protect them.

Different; An egg has a chick. A seed has a plant.

Same; Shell to protect.

Different; Different embryos. 

Same; They both get food.

Different; A chick embryo has an eye, seed embryos do not have eyes.

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