Saturday, May 18, 2019

day 17

In the first few days of welcoming eggs into our classroom, we answered the question;
What do our chicks need to grow?

The children have been responsible for checking the temperature and humidity of the incubator. They have given kind reminders about having calm bodies and quiet voices in our classroom.

On Day 17 (Friday) the eggs were taken out of the turner and placed on a tray in the incubator. They are ready to begin the hatching process. But, what does a chick look like on day 17?

From a tiny black speck to a curled up chick, the Kindergarteners have learned about the development of chick embryos through literature, charts, and the candling of our eggs.

On Friday they took on the role of chick scientists and carefully represented a chick inside of an egg on day 17. It was such an interesting experience to draw what our chicks looked like at that very moment. They used detail and labels in their diagrams, connecting our conversations back to what we know about non-fiction writers! Their colorful diagrams can be found in their nature journals.





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