Saturday, March 9, 2019

our class how to book

The children have been busy learning about a different kind of informational writing- How To Books! They have studied procedural writing, developed noticings, practiced acting out steps in order, and have now written a collection of their own How To books. As part of our learning they have worked together on community pieces.

On Wednesday the writers came up with a list of possible topics that we, as a community, could write about. Our topics had to be things that everyone knows a lot about. The children's list included;

How To. . .

Write How To Books
Be in the Green Zone
Be Kind
Be a Super Reader
Be Responsible
Count to 100

These are all things the children are experts at, but we could only choose one to write a class book about. We narrowed our list down to three topics; How To be a Super Reader, How To be Kind, and How To be in the Green Zone. With a quick vote it was decided, we would write a class book about being in the green zone and ready to learn!

First we went through the planning process together and I transcribed their words for each numbered step. Then the writers used whiteboards to draw diagrams for each step. Their diagrams included detailed illustrations and labels to help teach and give information about being in the green zone. Notice that their illustrations show people sitting up tall and present in the moment, feeling a sense of love and peace. Their diagrams are of people open and available for learning. 



How To Be in the Green Zone

By- The Kindergarten

1. First you need to have a calm body.




2. Next you need to sit up tall and have your eyes forward.




3. Then if you get stuck you can look at a friend to help!



4. Finally you are in the green zone and ready to learn.




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