Wednesday, February 13, 2019

our 100th day

On Tuesday we celebrated the 100th Day of School. Everyday in Kindergarten provides authentic counting opportunities; from counting how many friends voted for a dance party to counting down during transitions.

The 100th Day of School is truly a celebration of different ways to count to 100, exploring what 100 looks like, and thinking about the growth of our community in 100 days.

We began our work on Monday afternoon by thinking about things we love, because even on the 100th Day of School we can learn something new about a peer or find something new to connect over. Children came up with three ideas and used pictures and words to represent their ideas on sticky notes. We invited Sam and Ms. Shelley to participate, too!

Once all of our notes had a place on the canvas we counted by 1's. We only had 63! This provided a math problem; how many more did we need to make 100?

We counted on from 63 using cubes to represent how many more sticky notes we needed. Once we got to 100 we counted our cubes. We needed 37 more! We counted in different ways. Counting by 1's wasn't enough and counting by 5's was much too high. But, what about by 2's? Crosby offered the idea that every Kindergartener could write two more sticky notes and I could write the last one, making 37. It worked!

While the experience provided a meaningful counting experience as well as a rich literacy experience, the most powerful part was observing as children applied strategies for writing words independently or with the help from a friend. I love the way our community works together.

Maeve and Clayton both love pizza. 
Maeve supports Clayton to write the word pizza. 
 Ana loves lizards. She uses the title from a book in Dylan's library to write the word lizards.



What do YOU love?

Children counted by 1's and by 10's to create a necklace with 100 beads on Tuesday morning. They could choose from a collection of beads sorted by color. They had to count 10 of each chosen color, ensuring they had 100 beads at the end. The Kindergarteners were responsible for checking their counting and moving responsibly around the classroom- each table offered a different selection of beads!




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