Thursday, November 22, 2018

fairy houses (2)

Building Day, 11-15-18

There were many ongoing literacy components to this experience. On our building day, we went on a materials walk during morning meeting, ensuring all builders had seen and felt the different materials available for construction. Following our walk, children engaged in conversations about their Fairy House plan- what materials they would use, what they wanted to include in their structure and why. They then represented their plan on paper- builders plan their work, just like writers plan their writing!

My  Fairy  House  Plan .

We remembered the strategy for finding words in the prompt or title on your paper and many quickly found the word "house", adding the label to their plan. Some noticed how the sight word my is similar to one of the first sight words we learned this year- by.

Children added stairs and windows, twisting towers, and cascading branches. Many drew a heart. The hearts in their plans represented the love and family needed to make a house a home- something we noticed in all of our books (nonfiction and fiction) about houses.

Following their work we went on a museum walk to see all of the plans. Sophie had the opportunity to share the details in her plan and the writing strategies she used. Throughout our planning experience children were talking about their work, explaining their thinking, drawing, labeling, and engaging with their peer community.









With our beautiful materials available on trays and in glass jars around our classroom and volunteers happy to help, the children began their building process. It was an afternoon of innovation and creativity, community and joy, engagement and empowerment.
















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