Saturday, June 8, 2019

writing to make the world better

I can't think of a better time in the year to publish student's persuasive- writing to make the world better- pieces. We spend the year developing language and speaking skills, we talk about the importance in our words and how our words influence the world around us. We take that power and put it on paper using illustrations with labels. Later, we practice writing more and more words. We build sentences with our words. We share our work with authentic audiences. We seek feedback and support from the learning community.

If we teach that our words can make the world better, we must put this notion into practice; we must bring it to life with the children.

During their process the writers thought about a problem they have seen, provided reasons why it is a problem, and had a fix-it idea.

They used different kinds of paper to develop different kinds of writing. They will be sharing their letters, petitions, and posters with many different people this week; fellow students, the town, and family members!

As the children worked to prepare their final drafts, they developed a check-list necessary for monitoring their revisions and partner shares. Using their words and examples from a student's piece, we made many copies of their check-list.




Kind of Writing- Letter
By- Reagan

The Problem- Trash on the playground
Reasons- Animals will leave, people will get hurt
Fix-it Idea- Posters to remind us to clean up!


Kind of Writing- Poster
By- Will

The Problem- Running on our walkway
Reasons- You might get really hurt, like really hurt
Fix-it Idea- Walk and be in the Green Zone!


Kind of Writing- Letter and Poster
By- Jack

The Problem- Loud students in the hall
The Reasons- We are working and it puts us in the Yellow Zone
Fix-it Idea- Use level 1 or 0 voices and look at the poster with voice level charts to remind you!


Kind of Writing- Letter
By- Ana

The Problem- Evie is running down the stairs at home
Reasons- Evie could get hurt, Ana could get hurt
Fix-it Idea- Go outside and run down a hill!


Kind of Writing- Letter
By- Maeve

The Problem- Trash on our playground
Reasons- It could hurt the plants, animals, and people
Fix-it Idea- Have another Green Up Day!



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