Saturday, March 30, 2019

student led conferences


During the week of March 18th the Kindergarten students prepared for their student led conferences. We discussed being a host and welcoming families into our classroom.

The children developed and used a How-To checklist to monitor their writing in preparation for sharing it with their families. They chose one book and practiced reading and talking about character feelings and important parts. They practiced with different work partners in the days leading up to their conferences.

The children chose to share their math journals instead of playing a math game from our shelf and they introduced their nature journals to their families. In the midst of preparing Dylan asked if we could build a community structure; one family would start and then every family would add on.

It was a wonderful way to end their conferences!


1. Share reading portraits inspired by Oliver Jeffers and our important words
2. Welcome, take coats
3. Share writing and reading
4. Share math and nature journals
5. Reflect on being safe, kind, and responsible
6. Add on to the community structure!







The Kindergarteners decide the essentials for How-To writing in our classroom.
What is essential in How-To writing? 

They then use their check list to guide their work and preparations.











On Monday morning during our meeting I asked how children felt following their conferences and all of the work they did to prepare for their conferences. We discussed "just right" words, digging a little deeper and thinking about a word to really express a feeling.

Many of the children said they felt proud, SUPER happy, and peaceful.

These feelings are a gift.

The sharing of their work and learning with their families is a gift.

But, sometimes after a long week of preparing and then sharing your work with a loved one, it is exciting to get another gift.

Following their reflection they opened a gift for our classroom- the entire Elephant and Piggie set! I'm so sad I didn't capture their reaction to 25 colorful Elephant and Piggie books.

They shouted and cheered, smiled and clapped.


Throughout the week the children have eagerly read from our new collection, sitting close with a friend and laughing over the text and illustrations. This gift has continued to bring joy to our classroom.


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